The Sun shines on Africa

I have made illustrations for the Foreign ministry for several years, previously for their award-winning magazine Kehitys–Utveckling, which specialised in global development issues and development cooperation.
The magazine won Best organisational media in Finland, chosen by Oma Media twice, in 2021 and again in 2023. 
"According to the jury, the format of the Kehitys-Utveckling magazine has been carefully built and its concept is diverse. The magazine has high credibility and quality. The visual design of Kehitys-Utveckling creates an enriching reading experience." (source in Finnish)
The Sun shines on Africa
The Sun shines on Africa
Africa benefits from the Sun – the possibility of a green revolution in Africa
Africa benefits from the Sun – the possibility of a green revolution in Africa
How small scale energy production could help rural areas
How small scale energy production could help rural areas
In the middle of crises and conflicts – Developmental cooperation produces results even though it has become riskier
In the middle of crises and conflicts – Developmental cooperation produces results even though it has become riskier
In the middle of crises and conflicts – Developmental cooperation produces results even though it has become riskier
Trouble over water – Water is an ever more valuable natural resource. Hence conflicts concerning water are expected to become more common
Trouble over water – Water is an ever more valuable natural resource. Hence conflicts concerning water are expected to become more common
Trouble over water – Water is an ever more valuable natural resource. Hence conflicts concerning water are expected to become more common
Circa half of the global population annually suffers from water scarcity for at least a month
Circa half of the global population annually suffers from water scarcity for at least a month
The search for more funding to combat the climate crisis – Developing nations are hoping for more financial support as the climate warms. Poor families in Bangladesh are paying two billion dollars a year for climate related issues like cyclone damage
The search for more funding to combat the climate crisis – Developing nations are hoping for more financial support as the climate warms. Poor families in Bangladesh are paying two billion dollars a year for climate related issues like cyclone damage
The search for more funding to combat the climate crisis – Developing nations are hoping for more financial support as the climate warms. Poor families in Bangladesh are paying two billion dollars a year for climate related issues like cyclone damage
Towards new opportunities
Towards new opportunities
Towards new opportunities
The multiple facets of migration – The functionality and safety of immigration can be improved with developmental cooperation
The multiple facets of migration – The functionality and safety of immigration can be improved with developmental cooperation
Immigration can ease shortages in the labor market for specific fields
Immigration can ease shortages in the labor market for specific fields
Back to the basics – Extreme poverty, child labor, conflicts and refugee numbers are on the rise. How will developmental cooperation respond to the post COVID–19 era?
Back to the basics – Extreme poverty, child labor, conflicts and refugee numbers are on the rise. How will developmental cooperation respond to the post COVID–19 era?
Back to the basics – Extreme poverty, child labor, conflicts and refugee numbers are on the rise. How will developmental cooperation respond to the post COVID–19 era?
Because of setbacks, developmental cooperation must focus on the basics like education, vaccination and reproductive health services
Because of setbacks, developmental cooperation must focus on the basics like education, vaccination and reproductive health services
National selfishness has increased in international and developmental politics
National selfishness has increased in international and developmental politics
Will the pandemic result in better social security?
Will the pandemic result in better social security?
Will the pandemic result in better social security?
The good news is that relief programs have been started from Mozambique
The good news is that relief programs have been started from Mozambique
Without social security, the crises will only worsen
Without social security, the crises will only worsen
The covid crisis strikes the Global South – How will developing nations stay afloat?
The covid crises strikes the Global South – How will developing nations stay afloat?
The covid crises strikes the Global South – How will developing nations stay afloat?
COVID-19 tests security nets – The pandemic hits already fragile economies hardest
COVID-19 tests security nets – The pandemic hits already fragile economies hardest
Head over to Samuli Siirala's Napa Portfolio to see more of his amazing illustrations!

Read the magazine here: Kehitys-Utveckling Magazine

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