An ongoing editorial illustration series for Kuluttaja magazine's "Ratkaisuja riitoihin" (Solutions to Disputes) section since 2014. Kuluttaja magazine is published eight times a year.

Electric bicycle had issues with winter temperatures

Fishing holiday was cancelled

Too much snow on the roof

Death of a belowed family member

Fence developed a lean soon after installing

Storm damage was not caused by the storm

Chimney sweepers left tracks

A moose was the previous occupant of a rental cabin

Express delivery took too long

A tenant accused the landlord of trespassing but it was only the repair people doing routine maintenance

People demanded their money back when pets fell ill

3D TV fell off the wall

An online order not returned in time because the package was forgotten in their car

Gym equipment injured a member

Handbrake broke because of "too much force"

Barefoot shoes split at the seams

Wedding photography cancelled because of covid

Hiking shoes were not waterproof

Glass screen turned everything green

Hydrophobic phone